happy halloween!

Nov 02

I had tough shoes to fill after last year's costume. Reece was in this little "retiree" phase where he had all this personality and bright eyes but zero hair. The golfer was the perfect fit for him!

This year I ordered Reece's costume off www.etsy.com and had it made for him, and let me tell you- Bam Bam was out in full force on Sunday night, and it was so much fun! *Yes, I realize that some of you reading this may think I'm nuts for sending my kid out to trick-or-treat in nothing but a loin cloth, but it was 90 on Halloween night!*

Last year we pulled him around in a wagon and he sucked on a lollipop. This year he said "trick or treat" and "thank you" when he was given his choice of candy (still usually a lollipop) and checked out everyone's vehicles in their driveways.

Especially if there happened to be a jet ski.

Reece was running all over the neighborhood and had an excellent time. I got a zillion comments on how polite he was (score!) and how cute his costume was (sigh- now how will I top this one?!) and we're just glad he had fun.

Of course the John Deere tractor was the perfect accessory for him, I mean nothin' says "Flintstones" like a John Deere tractor!


Melissa @ i carry your heart said...

That costume is ridiculously cute. Also, this MN girl is very jealous of your warm Halloween. The poor kids up here always have to cover their costumes up with jackets and hats.

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