20 things...

Oct 14

Normally I use this blog to write about family and document our lives through pictures. I just had to share this on here, though! It is a list of 20 things an Art Teacher will never tell you. I know that most of you don't have a clue what goes on in my classroom on a daily basis, but this is pretty much the gist of it. I love this list!!!!

Speaking of which, I have a second blog that is up and running! It is a blog for my classroom called We Heart Art and it's full of fun lesson plans and student artwork examples from my class! Head on over there, and become a follower and see what makes my "other" world go 'round!

I'm going to Orlando tomorrow to teach at my Florida Art Education Association Annual Conference. I'm teaching a unit on Ndebele Dolls. I've taught this lesson for 3 years, and have taught the last 10 at the conference. It is a great resource for us as educators! I am looking forward to making a day trip out of it!


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I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
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