a boy and his tractor
If you would have asked me last night if I thought we'd make it to the pumpkin festival today, I would've said no. Reece had a faucet for a nose and crashed in my arms last night (which never ever ever happens!!) so we thought it was going to be a day spent watching Cars on the couch.
Bug woke up today and was a champ, so we drove up to Hunsader Farms to their Pumpkin Festival! I've lived in Sarasota for 10 years and have never gone--man, I sure have been missing something! It was more fun with a little one, that's for sure.Especially when there is a giant John Deere tractor that you can climb on and touch and drive and kiss. Yes, kiss. It was tough to pull him away, but we managed a hay ride (and we roasted! My northern friends are laughing at us right now!) and even pet/fed some goats!
But we were most interested in this tractor!
About Me
- Joanna Davis
- I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
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