a year ago

Nov 02

A year ago, I was 3 weeks away from having a baby boy.

A year ago, I was washing the last of baby clothes, installing the carseat into Trey's car, and cleaning the house in nesting mode.

A year ago we could hop in the car and go somewhere, carry only our wallets to dinner, and "run" to the store.

A year ago we could fall asleep when we wanted, have ice-cream for dinner, and take the boat out on the weekends in 90 degree heat.

A year ago we were a family of 2.

I took this picture exactly a year ago today, November 2nd.

A year ago, I was feeling HUUUUUUUUGE and going to doctor's visits each week. A year ago they told me I was not dilated, not effaced, and not ready to have a baby anytime soon. A year ago I honestly thought this little stinker would be late.

As cliche as it is, I cannot believe how our lives have changed in a year!

Time does fly when you're having fun...and being a Mommy...and being a working Mommy...and watching your little one learn and grow...and taking care of a house and dogs and dinners...

Our lives have changed from a year ago...but I wouldn't want it any other way!


Unknown said...

JOANNA, One thing that is here to STAY......is CHANGE.......you ain't seen nothing yet!!!!!!!!DAD a/k/a GrandDAD

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I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
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