show us your life - pets

Nov 20

You know about Reece, Trey, and Joanna. Meet the furriest members of the Lanum clan....Riley and Calvin! You can find out more about other pets on Kelly's blog.

This is Riley...

Riley is our "first born", she will be 10 in January. Riley is 100% sweetheart, and 100% spoiled. She is an apricot pug, which you don't see too often! I got Riley when I was with my ex, she was pretty naughty but always loved to sleep above your head on your pillow. This was a battle I was never willing to fight and one that we still havn't fought to this day! Riley can always be found sleeping on the top corner of the couch or begging for food at your feet. Her breath smells terrible, she snores when she sleeps, and her claws are sharp, but she is the squishiest, most lovable pug you'd ever meet.
Riley hates it when we dress her up. One year at the Pug Parade we put a shirt on her that said "Does this shirt make me look fat?" and paraded her down the runway. She won "Most Physically Fit Pug" after she jumped up on the judge's table. What a sight. We've got the trophy to prove it....

Riley has been a dream with Reece, she constantly watches over him and lets him head-butt her. Today while he was sucking his lollipop he put it right in her furry armpit. She didn't mind one bit. It's so cute. When he was first born she would sit on the bed and watch over his bassinett.
This is Calvin. Calvin is a Boston Terrier with the coolest dispostion ever. I bet if he could talk he'd sound like Eeyore. Everyone loves Calvin.

When I first bought Calvin, I bought him as a playmate for Riley. The two of them absolutely love each other and got into enough trouble together during the day that I had to crate both of them in a large crate for most of their lives (especially when we lived in a condo!) Calvin once ate a nice-smelling candle and is occasionally known to get into the trash. He's 100% terrier- trying to figure everything out, being inquisitive, and sometimes being naughty. He can jump higher than any dog I've ever seen and has a tongue that is faster than lightning! If you're not careful you'll get a doggie kiss or twelve.

Now that we have our own house they've pretty much got the run of the house--though they probably sleep all day---and for the first time we have a YARD! The days of walking them endlessly on leashes is over, and we love it!

Ri and Cal were our first two babies, but they've graciously made room for Reece. It is really nice that only one of our babies is in diapers....but they all still drool!


Unknown said...


Joanna Davis said...

dad, what are you doing posting a comment at 5:45 am?!

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