lil bits...

Oct 14

Nothing momentous to report this week, just a couple of lil bits to share with you!

I learned this week what "baby bangs" were! A blog I read called Baby Bangs explains it to a T, especially since I am experiencing this phenomenon right now. "Besides a baby, what pregnant women get in return for surrendering their waistlines is nine months of thick, glorious hair. It’s a beautiful thing. However, when Baby is just a few months old (about the time Mommy is seeing hints of her returning waistline) it all falls out. Soon her face is framed by the re-growth—lovely inch-long hairs called baby bangs."

Yep, baby bangs here. I had my hair colored and cut this past weekend and my hair guy, Domenic pointed the "breakage" out to me. Yep, baby bangs. Glad I could put a name to the glorious inch-hairs that be.

Moving on...

Trey always winces when I try a new recipe, but this one is GOOD! I got it from "Real Simple" magazine while I was at the hair salon and thought I'd share it. I'm always a sucker for yummy new recipes, though my better half often isn't. HE actually made this last night as I was feeding Reece.

Cheese Ravioli with Pumpkin Sage Sauce

1/3 cup dry white wine
1/4 chopped shallots
1 container Alfredo Sauce
1/2 cup Libby's pumpkin
1 tablespoon chopped sage (fresh or dry)
Buitoni cheese ravioli
2 tbsp chopped green onion

Cook wine and shallots in medium saucepan. Stir in sauve, pumpkin, and sage. Cook until heated through. Prepare ravioli and reserve 1/4 cup cooking water. Stir reserved water into sauce, toss with pasta. Sprinkle with green onion and season with black pepper.

It literally took 10 minutes and gives you just a hint of fall, though our temps here in Florida may prove otherwise. Today we're gonna hit 92 again. In mid-October. It's snowing in Wisconsin right now. We're melting here.


Reece now zooms all over the house pushing his walker and is now loving pulling things out of his toy box(es) and our living room looks like a primary-colored land mine. Our new favorite passtime? Climbing up on our high-chair after a meal to look for lost morsels of food. Dee-lish!


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I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
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