25 things...

Oct 15

25 things you might not know about me...

One of my favorite sections of US Weekly is where they have a celebrity tell 25 random things about themselves. I started to think up facts about myself. I figured I could play too, even though I am no celebrity! :)

1. I am a closet cheerleading-competition fan. I have no idea how these programs suck me in. It's crazy...I've never been a cheerleader or a dancer...you know you like them too!

2. Mexican food is hands down my favorite "out to eat" choice. I always fill up on the chips and salsa beforehand and rarely eat my entire meal. Sigh.

3. I do not think anyone looks good in gaucho pants, not even pregnant women. I did buy a pair once thinking they might look trendy. There they hang...still...with tags...in my spare closet. They should be banned from society.

4. I love to get rid of stuff. I LOVE filling up the garbage can and the recycling bin. There is something so freeing about getting rid of all the junk that piles up. My closet is a different story, though.

5. I pull recyclables out of the trash can and put them in the recycling bin. Trey does not understand my madness.

6. I am infatuated with my son's nakey tushie. Especially when he wears baby legs and no diaper. Those little nakey buns are so cute!

7. I'd rather walk for miles and miles and miles or run outside than hit a treadmill or an eliptical walker. I'm training for my fourth Breast Cancer 3-Day in Atlanta in a week! Hoping for Cleveland in 2010 for #5.

8. I accidentially shut my finger in our van's sliding door when I was about 7 years old. It got stuck and I couldn't open the door back up and my mom came running out and relieved my finger from excrutiating pain. I have NO idea how the door actually managed to close with my hand in there. Even now my left index finger is a bit crooked.

9. I could never make my Mom's mashed potatoes...even if I tried...they are just so good.

10. I've taught swimming lessons since I was 16 years old. I've never missed a summer. Yep folks doing the math...that's 16 years of doing swimming lessons on the side. I hope I can do it for another 16 years! It is so rewarding!

11. I must shave my underarms every single day or else I freak out. And I hate the word armpit. It also freaks me out.

12. A big pet peeve of mine is when someone calls you, then talks to someone else in the background while still on the phone with you (even if just for a minute, it's still rude!!). Please call me when you are ready to talk; I have other things to do!

13. I would never say that to you in person, so I have to subtly mention it here. Ha!

14. I *hate* confrontation, dissension, pettiness and ugliness. Unfortunately, this is considered "the norm" these days. There's no need for it and it drives me crazy. Just. Be. Nice.

15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bob from the Biggest Loser. I also think he's gay, not that I care or even KNOW for sure, but gosh is he cute and yummy! I also feel stable enough in my relationship with Trey to let him know this.

16. That guy's voice from "Unsolved Mysteries" scared the CRAP outta me. His name is Robert Stack and I don't know WHAT it is about his voice, but seriously it gives me nightmares.

17. If I could eat one meal for the rest of my life it would probably be fresh peanut butter from the Publix Deli on Health-Nut bread with raw honey. I am so in LOVE! It has to be the Publix peanut butter, too...none of this Smuckers natural stuff.

18. I am the poster child for why you should wear your retainer after you get your braces off. I rarely did and had to get braces again (on my own dime) as an adult. It's been 3 years since I got them "off" - I had Invisalign - and still wear my retainers each night. I'll probably wear them till I die because I'm neurotic about them now.

19. I still wear my maternity undies. They are so comfy and look like 99% of the rest of the undies I wear, so they're still in rotation.

20. "Funny" movies are never funny to me. And things that aren't supposed to be funny, usually are to me. My sense of humor must have flip flopped somewhere along the way. Like that movie Talladega Nights= NOT FUNNY.

21. I have a plastic rubbermaid container FULL of pens, pencils and markers in our house. Why can't I ever find what I need? Why can't I find the bin?!

22.I was kicked out of gymnastics class when I was about 8. They told my mom I should "find a new sport". Sigh.

23. I have an unopened Cabbage Patch kid in my closet. I bought it off EBay one time with hopes it was "rare" and it'll be worth something one day. I'm still searching for an unopened one named "Joanna".

24. Hands down, my best feature is my hair. I love it when people compliment me about it...and no, I'm not going to cut it!

25. I rocked the bowl cut for about 5 years when I was a kid. Then I rocked the spike in 5th grade. Then I rocked bangs for the next 10 years. Someone forgot to tell me that these hairstyles were, indeed, NOT styles.


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I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
Help me reach my goal for the Susan G. Komen Tampa Bay 3-Day for the Cure!

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