like father, like son...

Oct 08

When I first started dating Trey my camera-happy self wanted endless photos of the two of us: at dinner, at the beach, celebrating birthdays, etc. Trey wasn't having any of it. He would give me the most sour face ever...and sometimes he would even flick the camera off.

I think he realized he lost the battle when he met my Mom...and endured the incessant photog-ing at our wedding. I come from a family of wanna-be photographers and he realized he didn't stand a chance.

As I was looking through pictures that Trey had from his Mom, I came across numerous pictures of him giving the camera "the bird". She even dedicated an entire page in a scrapbook to this behavior!

I was taking pictures of Reece eating his strawberries the other evening and I think that he had had enough of "the lady with the silver shiny thing"....because he gave me this little gem of a shot.
Our friend Christopher thinks I take too many pictures of Reece. He's probably right...and he is probably sick of it. OH WELL, get used to it, kid...cause there will be thousands more where that came from!


kez1180 said...

Take all the pictures you want!!

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I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
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