so this is november
Aaaaah, November. The beginning of the holiday season. Christmas decorations have made their way into stores and onto houses on our street.
I love the holiday season. When I worked retail it pained me to have to go in for 12 hours the day after Thanksgiving, but it was just SO much fun! The shoppers are crazed at that point, and then totally lose it by the Saturday before Christmas. I loved them men who would go into Victoria's Secret and would get a $500 gift card at the last minute. I loved the women who would wheel their Sears shopping cart all over the mall, knocking things off racks because they felt entitled to a shopping cart while they browsed.
This year I'll be sitting in my jammies with my family in Leesburg instead of joining the masses for some Black Friday shopping craziness. Mostly because I'd rather do my shopping online (AND all of Reece's gifts are sitting in GiGi's closet because we've had them for awhile!) but also because I'd rather be out enjoying things with my family rather than get caught up in the hustle and bustle. Sunday we went to the North Jetty for a family (just the three of us!) picnic and a walk along the beach. Reece loved playing on the playground and squealed with delight as his toes got wet. There were people swimming, but they must be from Canada....right now the water is COLD! Just getting your toes wet was enough to cool you down.
So this is November. Where we can still wear shorts and dip our toes in the Gulf, and also do some Christmas shopping.
There's nowhere else on Earth, friends!
About Me
- Joanna Davis
- I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
Lets keep Florida a secret, otherwise there will be a traffic jam on I-75 south. And we will have to listen to all those people tell us how great it was in Ohio!!
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