let's hear it for the boys!

Nov 26

Thanksgiving was so much fun this year! Last year in a blur I hosted Thanksgiving dinner with a 2 1/2 week old, my family and Trey's family. It was not one of my most brilliant ideas, but it was a good time (I think it was anyway!)

This year my brilliant idea was not to cook, not to travel, but just stay at home.
Brilliant, indeed.

I somehow talked Trey into getting up early to do a 3-mile "Turkey Trot" on Venice Island. Lucky for him, the sky opened up and it started to rain right when the race was to begin, so we didn't stay. I personally think he asked God for the rain since he was begging me not to go for 2 days! Once we got home I went on my own 3-miler.
I made reservations at the Columbia Restaurant, an awesome Cuban restaurant on St. Armand's Key. We packed up Reece's diaper bag with an assortment of foods: yogurt melts, yogurt, cheese, dried fruit, cheerio's and cheese puffs. You never know what he's gonna want...we hadn't gone out to dinner with Reece in quite awhile, and we were praying for the best for our holiday meal!

All 3 of us ordered off the menu. Reece had macaroni and cheese and feasted on it for his Thanksgiving dinner. Trey had shrimp and I had snapper. I'm pretty sure somewhere along the line we thought about ordering the Turkey...but neither of us are big turkey fans, so whatevs. Reece was so well-behaved playing with his trucks and eating macaroni and bread we were just amazed.
So much has changed this year, what a difference from last year. Last year Reece just sat in his buzzy chair and snoozed while we all ate. This year Reece ordered off the menu. I have a lot to be thankful for every single day of my life, but I'm most thankful for my boys, goofy and loving, giving and huggable, kissable and funny...

and mine.


Unknown said...

Trey, smiling, wearing his wedding ring! and of course eating. We wish you and your family a Happy Holiday!!!!! Dad.

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I am a mother,a wife, and a National Board Certified Art Teacher. My family is my love and photography is my passion!
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