a love letter to my three year old

Nov 07

Dear Reece,

Today is your third birthday. You are THREE years old! It is hard to wrap my arms around the fact that three years ago today I held you for the very first time....because I feel like I've known you my "whole little life".

The things you say and do are just so funny! You are such a little ham....like when you decide that you're a dinosaur for no apparent reason. Or when you speak in your jibberish, or when you help yourself to something we thought was out of your reach. You're your own person now, and everything is fair game to you!
In the past year we've really seen you come
of your shell! You'll say "hi" to anyone that is breathing, dance in public, and have "friends" at school. The shy little boy that used to hide behind Mommy's legs now initiates conversation!
One of the biggest changes this year has been watching you in your role as a big brother! We knew once you settled in, you'd be the best big brother to Chase. I love when you sporadically go up and kiss him for no reason except to show him that you love him....or when I hear you quietly whisper in the backseat "it's okay, Chase, we're almost there!"
You're hilarious. You have us in stitches every day. I don't even think you're trying to be funny...you just ARE! Someday you're going to make some girl just as happy as you've made me...in about 30 years!
Reece, we've got so much more to conquer in this lifetime. I can't wait to see the boy that you will grow into and the man that you will become. I can't even remember what my life was like before you were in it, and I can't imagine my life without you. I'm the happiest Mom because you are my son.

Happy Birthday to you, big love.



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